Weekly Studies – Drawabox Lessons

Randomly decided to do Drawabox lessons today (https://drawabox.com/). I heard about it from an art student who highly praised it. The lessons I did today, were focused on line confidence, and drawing from the shoulder, something that I don’t do often enough.


  • Superimposed Lines – draw a straight line with a ruler/similar, and then draw over it 8 times. Fill a page with these
  • Ghosted Lines – draw two points from which you’ll make a mark, hover your pen over that path until you feel confident to attempt to make the actual mark
  • Ghosted Planes – same thing as ghosted lines, but drawing with 4 points to make a plane, and draw some lines inside them too

Thought tedious, I could already feel the improvement near the end of the ghosted planes exercise. A few of the final ones were some of the nicest lines I had drawn. Line confidence, especially with long straight lines has always been an issue for me, so it’s nice to see tangible improvement. I’ve never been satisfied with my technical perspective.

That said, the material is clearly very dry, it felt like I was at the gym lifting weights. For that reason, Drawabox emphasizes to draw for fun at least 50% of the time when doing its lessons.

Recently I’ve only been doing the bare minimum weekly study and no personal art at all, so this would be as good a reason as any to just pick up the pen and doodle or something. Will see I guess.