Artcafe Art Fight – Final Attack

For the final art fight attack, I did a collaboration with 3 other artists. Together, we built a little hide and seek game with all of our art.

Pretty much spent all evenings for an entire week working on this. The game itself is quite simple, it’s more just a fun way to showcase the various artists’ work.

Managed to get all the core functionality in, but had to rush a lot of the assets at the end. A lot of graphics are still placeholders, but overall it was a really fun experience.

Game can be played at the following URL. Supports keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or touch controls (mobile).

Here’s a couple screenshots from the game.

Featured Art

Here’s some of the art created for the game. Check out the game to see the rest!

Beautiful Splash Screen art by MoldySushi
Detailed Pixel art Sprite Work by TNR


Coding, Environment Assets


Sprites, Environment Assets


Character Portraits

Abdul – Instagram: @morley.arts Discord: abdul.morley#9929

Splash Screens and Cover Art

MoldySushi –

Artcafe Art Fight – Smusn

Another art attack, this one’s a collaboration with TNR that we’ve been working on for the past week or so.


  • Music, and Banner Animation (Wolf and Logo) by TNR.
  • TNR does some awesome pixel art, especially with environments, you can check out her stuff at
  • Environment textures, blender modelling/setup by me

Process & Weekly Study

Doing a lot of creative projects on the go right now, so balancing that with full time work I doubled up on this art attack as my weekly study. I painted this pizza in low resolution via a photo reference as my week’s study.

Some call this lava pizza.

Drawing the floor/wall/ceiling textures were pretty simple. It’s mostly the pizza that took some time. The pepperoni was fairly quick. ~90 minutes total for all the textures.

Blender on the other hand, was just over 10 hours. Most of it was figuring out how to use a video texture with changing alpha transparency. Turns out you just need two videos, one with the animation, and another with the alpha channels represented by black and white. (Black being what’s transparent).

This was my placeholder animation when I was setting it up. TNR’s final animation didn’t need this, since we just had one image to represent the transparency. But still, good to know for the future.

Another thing that was new, was managing the UVs for the pizza. I’m not that versed in 3D, but UVs are kind of like the coordinates where you put your textures on your 3D model. Shifting the points is tedious work, but not difficult. The bigger challenge was figuring out the best way to model a shape using my pizza texture as the starting point. Until I had a working model, I didn’t want to spend too much time messing with UVs.

Ended up trying many different methods, and almost gave up too. Ultimately, I don’t actually remember how I did this. Abuse of the knife cut tool, maybe.

Tedious work. What should go where?

Other than that, mostly leveraging things I’ve learned in the past. Figuring out key frames for objects to give the illusion of an endless loop.

Blender scene animation in action

Super fun. Love doing these 3D/2D hybrids.

Artcafe Art Fight – az

One of the members in the Discord server always uses these really hyperactive emojis. This skeleton doing the capoeira stance has struck me as her signature one.

I’ve sized up the gifs 2x to make them a little easier to see.

Some emoji from some gif from somewhere no one knows

Whipped up a quick animation of her character doing the same thing.

Doubled as practice for simplifying the reference anatomy into cartoon style.

80 minutes of gesture, inking, and coloring

Artcafe Art Fight – nukeachicken

This is my favorite Art Fight Attack yet. I seem to have a pattern of spending more and more time on these, but they’re definitely a lot of fun. I still enjoy drawing other people’s characters more than designing one. That said, it’s unlikely they’ll all be at this level of quality, since I am just doing these for fun.

This is a nameless character, by nukeachicken. They attacked me previously, so here is the mushroom dude “defending”. Drawn and animated all in CSP, 24 frames, hundreds of layers. About 10 hours effort, give or take.

Referenced Dead Cell animations for the character’s attack poses, and Streets of Rage for the background. The health bar is straight up copied from Streets of Rage.

Artcafe Art Fight – Moirods

So last year I learned about something called Art Fight. It’s where people join one of two teams, and draw other people’s characters as an “attack”. Mainly for fun, and you get points for effort moreso than skill.

Here’s a character I “attacked”, on the right, original creator is Moirods, from the Art Cafe Discord server that’s hosting their own version of this event.

Character drawn in CSP, background and everything modelled in Blender, then imported back to CSP where I animated the character.